Your way to us.

Do you have any questions about our company or our solution? We look forward to helping you.

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We are here for you

Aulweg 45
35392 Giessen

HUman. Personal. Direct.

Your contact persons.

“Everything that can be automated and digitalised will be automated and digitalised.”

Good for people and the environment means that we offer solutions from people for people. We would like to get to know you personally and advise you individually.

Johann Dück.


+49 641 201 038 13

Laurin Maslowas.


+49 641 201 038 28

Mattias Krautstrunk.

Customer Service

+49 641 201 038 26

Contact form.

Questions are as diverse as people. Would you like to find out more about our company or our solutions? We will be happy to help and advise you in a personal appointment.

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