We deliver measurable results.

Our intelligent solutions provide precise data for sustainable waste optimisation. Profit from fill level forecasts and efficient emptying planning.

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Work better today

Innovative technology for sustainable solutions.

With our intelligent solutions, you always have access to accurate and up-to-date data on your waste volumes. Using advanced IoT sensor technology and machine learning algorithms, we provide you with complete visibility and detailed insight into your waste streams. This enables you to efficiently identify and exploit savings and optimisation potential in your business, while acting sustainably.

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Smart Waste Dashboard.

The dashboard provides detailed insight and analysis based on sensor-generated data. It provides an accurate overview of your waste streams, showing totals by waste type and emptying data so you can make informed decisions. Accurate level predictions and an efficient tipping scheduler allow you to optimise your staff resources.

We are constantly working to expand our functionality to provide you with even more useful tools.

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Our reporting tool provides you with basic data generated by our sensors, specifically prepared for ESG reporting. You can use this data to create comprehensive and solid sustainability reports. Statistical analysis and interpretation of the data will help you gain important insights and optimise your waste processes.

Everything from a single source

We deliver measurable results.

With us, you will be in good hands. From first contact to delivery and the finished solution, we are there to make sure the whole process runs smoothly and to your complete satisfaction. Simply reliable.

A timeline graphic showing the steps from identifying requirements to plug and play delivery, with descriptions of each step. The process includes identifying requirements, placing an order, delivery, and plug and play setup. The image also features a computer screen displaying a digital dashboard with waste management analytics.Vertical timeline in German showing the process from identifying requirements to plug and play delivery. The steps include 'Heute' (Today), 'Bedarf ermitteln' (Identify requirements), 'Bestellung' (Order), 'Lieferung' (Delivery), and 'Plug & Play', with descriptions for each step. The timeline ends with an image of a computer screen displaying a digital dashboard with waste management analytics.
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  • Precise fill level forecasts
  • Clustering by business unit
  • Performance records
  • Base data for ESG
  • Emptying planning
  • Return on Investment
  • Alarm function

Our products.

We provide you with the best hardware to get the most out of our solution - all from a single source and perfectly matched.

Smart Waste Stations

Mobile waste separation system

Smart Waste Sensors

Single sensor unit

Smart Waste Bin

Stationary waste collector

Eco-Cycle Bags

Reusable waste bag

Human. Personal. Direct.

Your contact persons.

“Everything that can be automated and digitalised will be automated and digitalised.”

Good for people and the environment means that we offer solutions from people for people. We would like to get to know you personally and advise you individually.

Johann Dück.



+49 641 201 038 13

Laurin Maslowas.



+49 641 201 038 28

Mattias Krautstrunk.

Customer Service


+49 641 201 038 26

Concept calculator.

The calculator gives you a first impression of what an intelligent waste concept could look like in your company. Because every business is different, we will find a solution that is tailored to your needs. Our friendly and knowledgeable team will be happy to provide you with a no-obligation consultation to create a tailor-made concept.

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Recommended concept
Smart Waste Stations
Smart Waste Bins
Our solution

Waste as a Service (Waas) - FAQ.

What is WaaS ?

Waste as a Service (WaaS) uses precise sensors to collect waste data from your business. This data is analysed using cloud-based data analytics and machine learning, providing you with a customisable and scalable solution.

What data do I receive from WaaS ?

Depending on the WaaS system you choose, you can receive data ranging from simple level and quantity information to detailed utilisation and capacity figures for your commercial areas, as well as forecasts of optimum emptying times.

What are the benefits of WaaS ?

Our WaaS provide detailed insight into your waste data to develop sustainable long-term strategies, measure key KPIs, generate evidence and reports, and effectively optimise processes.

Who is WaaS suitable for ?

Because they are freely scalable, WaaS are suitable for organisations of all sizes and industries, delivering benefits to people, society and the environment.